
Showing posts from January, 2019

Choose the Right Sweetener for your Better Health

The important fuel to body is food. Whatever food we take finally breaks down to the simplest form of sugar that is glucose. Actually, glucose not food is the source of energy. Glucose is something that our body loves. Simple carbohydrates rich diet can easily produce this fuel of energy for our body. Table sugar, fruit sugar, maple syrup, and honey come under the category of simple carbohydrates. These are the fastest source of energy for the body. Sugar impact in everyday life However, too much glucose is not good for us. The excess amount of glucose converts into glycogen or fats in the liver. Fats can, later on, accumulate into blood vessels to cause serious health problems. Fructose-fruit sugar is better than sucrose-table sugar because fructose contains fibers, antioxidants, mineral etc. Whereas sucrose or processed white sugar lacks these essential elements for a body, therefore it absorbs quickly by the body through metabolism. Again you feel like eating af